how to wear a tie Ile ilgili detaylı notlar
Learn how to tie the most popular tie knots. Tie knots have helped men show individuality and power throughout history. A suit and tie remain an evergreen way of looking sharp and confidently stepping out.
Hold the narrow end with one hand and gently adjust the knot with the other by pulling on the wide end. Make it snug or loose, however you like it.
Here's how to tie an Eldredge Knot: Flip up your shirt collar and drape the tie around your neck. The wide end should be on your left side and the narrow end on your right. The wide end should hang just a bit lower than the narrow end.
Now that you understand this knot, you can explore more advanced techniques. With two minutes, you could even convert your regular tie into a bow tie!
The first is the guy who simply doesn't have the time or the inclination to put a lot of thought into the process of getting dressed. These gentleman would rather spend their time and their brainpower on something else entirely. They are looking for something simple to guide them in the morning so they don't have to think about it.
With its symmetrical and medium-sized shape, the Christensen Knot adds a sophisticated touch to any outfit. Ready to learn how to tie the Christensen Knot? Here’s how to tie a tie easily step by step: Begin with the wide end of your tie on the right side and the narrow end on the left. web sitesi The wide end should hang about 12 inches lower than the narrow end.
Bring the narrow end across the front of the knot one more time, going from left to right. You're almost there!
Take the wide end up to the neck loop. Raise the wide end up to the loop of necktie at your collar. Keep it on the right side.
Here's how to tie this necktie: Stand in front of a mirror, collar up, and drape the tie around your neck. The wide end should be on your right side and the narrow end on your left. The wide end should hang a bit lower than the narrow end.
To tie the Four-in-Hand knot, start by draping the tie around your neck with the wide end on your right side and the narrow end on your left. Cross the wide end over the narrow end, then bring it underneath and up through the loop around your neck. Next, pass the wide end over the narrow end once more, burayı kontrol edin this time to your left.
Loop the wide end under the narrow end. Let go with your right hand. Tuck it underneath the narrow end, grab the wide end, and pull it back through to your right side.
Time to create the trefoil pattern! Bring the wide end across the front of the knot, moving from right to left.
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Hold the narrow end with one hand and gently adjust the knot with the other by pulling on the wide end. Make it bey snug or loose kakım you prefer.